Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I need to start adding color to things

But I'm lazy... And scared. I did win a small victory drawing female faces for a couple hours, but I can't show you those, because my inexperience is kind of embarrassing. Sometimes I post that sort of thing, but not today. So you get this stuff:

I've had this song in my head all day, especially the bit that happens around 1:19... It's Supreme Pain for the Tyrant by Chthonic. Be aware that the album art has a semi-naked humanoid. Apparently it's a composite image of an old person and a young person and I don't find it particularly offensive, but I don't want you to get into trouble.


  1. Zach, I really am seeing an impressive jump in quality of late!

    1. Thanks. I just need to start putting characters into environments! It's all I want. And to add color. And finished work. And a portfolio. And a job. And a Mitsubishi Evolution IX

  2. Does the first guy have a camera on his head? He'd make a good spy! I like his skinny legs and bony tushy. Presh. And I want to see these female faces! Can I? Someday when I have proven myself worthy?

    1. Ha! He does. He has what appears to be a "Go Flo," in no way related to Go Pro. You can see those female faces next time you come over. But I don't really wanna show you... :(
