Friday, February 13, 2015

I'm a Thief (and I'm Slightly Sorry)


Last night UVU's Illustration Club met to discuss portfolio stuff to apply for the BFA program. It was whatever. Anyway, the club has been doing a new activity where members draw on printer paper with the eventual goal of compiling all the drawings into a sketchbook we can sell. I never really participate since I have to run to class soon after club starts, but last night, with maybe 5 minutes left before I had to bail I looked in front of me and saw a blank paper and a chunk of 2mm red pencil lead and thought, "What the heck, I'll throw something together" and this is what I scribbled out:

I thought it was way cool! But I realized that I couldn't give up this sketch without scanning it to show you all, so I looked around guiltily and stuck it into my backpack. Zoom!

I was sitting in class and feeling really good and remembered it was because I had drawrn a cool drawnrwning. I opened my bag and removed the sketch and found that I hadn't just stolen my sketch, but I had also stolen Dylan's sketch, too! The blank piece of paper I had drawn on? It was blank on one side. Dylan's sketch was on the other side! Sorry, Dylan! I'll bring the paper back to school and return it to the Illustration Club. Ha!

Then some drawings from the last week I didn't totally hate:

(This model? I drew her head too small for her body. Blast!)


  1. These are SO great! I love the first girl especially! Can we frame her? And yeah, cool skeleton. How about you turn him into a real character? Work on him some more? Yes? Maybe? Probably not?

    1. We can frame her, but since she's on newsprint, she'll be falling apart within the week. There's no paper cheaper than newsprint! I suppose I could turn the skeleton into a real character, but that is a hard thing to make happen. I'll work on it!

  2. Wow. Just Wow. So much progress. It makes a blog stalker proud!

    1. Thanks, Mom. Thank you for always being a good stalker.

  3. Nicely done, Zach. You really do have some fantastic artistic skills. P.S. I am not a blog stalker like Mom.

    1. Ha! Thanks, Dad! I think anyone can learn to do art but only an artist has the love necessary to push through the rough patches.
