Tuesday, May 27, 2014

BONUS: KEWL or, "CkuWhal"

This is cool! Cool stuff happened today after I posted! 
It's cool!

If I had to redraw this, I would fix the legs, add feet, and make it easy for the viewer to discern whether or not he's wearing pants

The weird alien creature enjoys his garden, while two strange people with similar faces wait under the boughs.

And then some other things. I was trying to draw the same thing from two different directions.


  1. I really love the middle picture! The trees in the back look fantastic, it reminds me of Mirkwood Forest ;) And while we're on the subject of The Hobbit, the guy on the top right corner reminds me of the Goblin King in the movie and I'm nervous for you to finally see it because he's grotesque and horribly hideous and I'm afraid you'll like it too much.

    1. If he's completely hideous I will love him accordingly.

  2. I like the top guy with no pants the best. (;

    1. You decided for me! I just didn't know what to think. Pants, or no pants?
