Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Figure Drawing Dump (SUMMER '15 #7)

There are a lot of pictures here! Sorry to slower browsers. I'm still working steadily on my pig (learned about fibermesh yesterday!), and will hopefully have something to show soon. It's rough and amateur, but I guess it's my first lengthy Zbrush project and I've learned a lot.

This was the final for my class.

This one makes me mad. I had an awesome drawing going, and then when it came time to render it and dump in lights, I struggled and didn't like what happened. I really have a hard time with the whole rendering thing


  1. So much NEKED!! As always, your hands are stellar. I love your figure drawings, they always make me SO proud. I'm married to an artist! I thought this guys was especially fantastic.

    And I LOVE the second one down. It's so moody.

  2. try THAT!

    1. Thank you, my wife! I'm glad to know all the time I spend makes you proud. And that guy doesn't have any hands, I'm sorry! But I did like that one, too. This ended up being a "Best Of" post. I just took the ones I liked the most.

  3. Zach, these are quite good. I'm impressed with your progress. Keep your pencils sharp!

    1. Thanks, Dad! Keeping Prismacolor pencils sharp is indeed quite a task. Too bad I don't have a custom pencil sharpener, EH!?
