Tuesday, June 21, 2016


About the title? Ask my mother to tell you the story.

I need to finish more work. This was just a quick thing I threw together tonight. Now bed. Only 2 more days of class. Will I survive? Perhaps.


  1. Replies
    1. I'd guess hour, hour and a half, two hours? That's quick for me!

    2. Oh! I remembered something else, Thomas. I watched this video by one of my favorite artists (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkrBYvX8L0g) and thought "How hard could it be?" and used a reference for his arms. I'll be trying this again. Soon. Be ready.

  2. I like him a lot. He's got a good face! And nice color choices too.

    1. Thanks! I feel like his armored neck-ruff is badly designed and unattractive. Maybe you should design some clothes for me and that way my characters can have nice, believable accoutrements?

      Also, I think the colors are a bit nauseating. I need to do some serious color-theory study.

  3. Looks good, Zach. You are on your way! Now get going, kid--we haven't got all day!

    1. Ha! I'll do my best! If I wasn't feeling under the weather this week we'd already be one step closer! I started drawing this spaceman but haven't gotten around to finishing him...

  4. You mentioned me in your blog!!! Squeeeee!

    The guy looks good but I thought his neck armor was a neck brace and he was damaged. Maybe it needs to look more like armor?

    Did you want me to tell the FOT story here??

    1. I mention you from time to time. That armor really feels pretty pitiful, I'd like stuff to be more functional in the future.

      You're welcome to tell the FOT story if you wish! I'll probably be the only one to read it, though.

  5. How about if people want to hear the FOT story, they have to comment. If you get 5 comments, I'll type up the FOT story for all to enjoy.

    1. That sounds like a plan! I do feel, however, that we're making this story a bigger deal than it is!
