Thursday, December 5, 2013


I was in art history today (by the way, I finished the paper!) and my teacher used "ABSOLUTELY EXQUISITE!" to describe everything. She said it over and over again. So it jumped into a picture on accident... I need to do tutorials or something because I feel like I'm producing really repetetive stuff. Mix it up! I know I say that all the time... But it's close to finals week, so I can't behave myself. Whatevah.
Yeah, I just looked and I'm ending up with so many similar shapes/themes. Hmm. It's disturbing

EDIT: I removed an image so it could go sit on Pinterest instead. That way I won't have to look at this post and be haunted by the repetition


  1. You added textured detail to the girls lips and wrinkles to the moody old man whose rolling his eyes in the last picture. I like it!!

    1. Thank you! I roll my eyes all the time, so it was only natural that it would happen in my sketching.
