Monday, March 31, 2014

More Homework; I Am Weary

Today we turned in our bathroom assignments.
Here's mine:

I showed Will and he was like, "You need to push your value more in there" and I said, "Yeah, I did a value study, here it is"

And he said, "I like this more, work on this one. The angle is less severe and it flows better."
He's right. The black and white one is boring and stiff and slow.
So I worked on it.
But secretly I wept because the only reason I changed the angle from the blue value study is because others asked me to! Ha! In any case, I learned a lot from this.

The next assignment is to put a guy in a boat and do 25 objects. So it's similar to the first assignment. For me, boat means ship and ship means outer space. So here are my thumbs. I want to show a guy floating around in/on/through/over/under/etc his/her spaceship while lotsa stuff floats around in the cockpit and outside. 

My first page:

My second page:


  1. That first idea would have looked great in three point perspective ;)

    1. In some of the roughs there was a three point feel to some of them, but I chickened out and ended up with the relatively boring final image before you. In a few years after more practice I might redo it. Argh! Art is hard.

  2. I love all the little details, it peaks my interest and makes me want to stare at it for a while. For some reason I really enjoy the soup and toothbrush holder. And does that kid use a lot of meds, or what? So great Zag.

    I also love your imagination and I can't wait for this outer space adventure!

    1. There's no soup! And the meds belong to the child's father. Will Terry made a good observation. He said, "You need like a 'Top Secret' folder or something on the toilet so we know there's a spy involved." And yeah, I'm hoping the outer space picture turns out better. There's some weird part of finishing a drawing that I haven't grasped. Some secret. I can't figure it out.

  3. Look at you go!!!! It's funny, cuz the first bathroom pic strikes my fancy a bit more. Probably cuz of all the details. You go, brother! So talented.

    1. There's a lot of interesting things to look at in the picture, you're right. But the overall composition and form isn't as well done as the second one, which is why Will preferred it.
